Frequently Asked Questions

For Businesses

How can Northern Tier Career Connect help my business?

Signing up is easy! You will visit the Registration link and complete the registration information. Once your account is approved, you will create your business profile, identify the opportunity coordinators within your business, and start posting educational career opportunities!

How do I sign my business up to participate in offering an educational career opportunity?

Signing up is easy! You will visit the Registration link under the Employer heading at www.ntcareerconnet.com and complete the registration information.

What information is helpful to make sign-up quick and easy?

  • Identify who will create and manage the account
  • Identify any additional contacts within the business that will manage requests from schools/organizations, your “Opportunity Coordinators”
  • Prepare a brief business description
  • Business Logo (jpeg, jpg, png, webp, no larger than 5MB)
  • Determine what opportunities you will offer and any pertinent details about those (ex. Industry Tour- time frame it is being offered, number of students allowed, requirements to attend, etc.)
  • Photos of your business you would like to have included (jpeg, jpg, png, webp, no larger than 5MB)

What opportunities can our company/business offer?

Learn more about available opportunities by clicking here.

Can I offer just one educational career opportunity?

A business can offer one career opportunity or all 11! You can also change or add to your offered opportunities at any time.

How much of a time investment does it take to participate with Northern Tier Career Connect?

Registration and account set up will take minutes, if you have all needed information prepared in advance. Additional time investments will require responding to email requests, organizing and planning opportunities with interested schools/organization, and the time it takes to complete the career opportunity.

How will I be contacted if a school/organization is interested in setting up an opportunity?

You will receive an email from an approved school or organization expressing interest in an offered opportunity. We ask you respond to emails within 2 business days of receiving the initial request.

Can I post job openings on Northern Tier Career Connect?

No, Northern Tier Career Connect is NOT a job posting site. The goal of this site is to build an employer’s future worker pipeline, which will in turn help fill future job openings.

For Schools and Organizations

How can Northern Tier Career Connect help my “opportunity seekers”?

Northern Tier Career Connect is a place where connections can be made between young adults, “opportunity seekers”, and businesses. Providing seekers the chance to further explore careers and pathways.

How can Northern Tier Career Connect help support my teachers and/or staff?

Northern Tier Career Connect can save teachers and/or staff time and energy. Businesses on our site are willing and committed to offering their posted educational career opportunities.

What educational career opportunities can a business offer?

There are many ways a business can get involved and partner with a school or organization. Please see “Ways to get Involved”.

How do I register my school or organization to utilize Northern Tier Career Connect?

Signing up is easy! You will visit the Registration link, and complete and submit the information. Once your account is approved, you will create your profile, identify the opportunity coordinators within your organization, and start exploring and requesting educational career opportunities!

What information do I need to sign-up?

  • Identify your main contact and any additional staff that should have access to the site, your “Opportunity Coordinators”
  • School Logo/Mascot (jpeg, jpg, png, webp, no larger than 5MB)

How much of a time investment does it take to participate with Northern Tier Connect?

Northern Tier Career Connect’s search function makes identifying potential opportunities quick and easy. Additional time investments include requesting, organizing, and planning opportunities with businesses.

Who should have access to Northern Tier Career Connect?

  • Any administrator, faculty member, or support professional that helps young adults with career exploration
  • Any administrator, faculty member, or support professional that organizes career-oriented field trips
  • Any administrator, faculty member, or support professional that is interested in supporting work-based learning

For Opportunity Seekers

How can Northern Tier Career Connect help me determine a career path?

Northern Tier Career Connect bridges the gap between school and work, providing students with opportunities to explore careers and potential employers first-hand.

How do I request to participate in an educational career opportunity?

A student can search educational career opportunities on the Northern Tier Career Connect site, but they will need a designated member of a school or organization, an Opportunity Coordinator, to request and organize the details of the opportunity.

Can I request to participate in more than one career opportunity?

Yes, you can request to participate in more than one opportunity, but you must coordinate all details with your designated opportunity coordinator and make sure you have the ability to fulfill these commitments.

What do I do if I cannot attend an educational career opportunity that I have been scheduled to participate in?

An opportunity seeker should always do their very best to fulfill their commitment to participate in a scheduled career opportunity. If a circumstance arises that hinders you from keeping that commitment, you must contact your designated opportunity coordinator ASAP. The opportunity coordinator will contact the business who is expecting the participant. Communication is critical, you should NEVER not show up without contacting someone. Canceling multiple career experiences may make a young adult ineligible for future opportunities.