Northern Tier Career Connect would not be possible without partnerships. Along with the schools and businesses that make this website successful, there are several other partners that serve a critical role in implementing services.
Northern Tier Regional Planning and Development Commission
NTRPDC is the local development district and home to the local workforce development board and serves the counties of Bradford, Sullivan, Susquehanna, Tioga, and Wyoming. NTRPDC oversees both economic and workforce development in the Northern Tier region.
For more information, please check out the website at www.northerntier.org.

Northern Tier Business Education Partnership
NTBEP facilitates student and business connections. NTBEP career coaches provide career exploration opportunities to students in participating school districts.

Northern Tier Industry & Education Consortium
NTIEC is a local grassroots school-to-work organization created to serve students in the Northern Tier counties by integrating the education and employment process.
For more information, please check out the NTIEC website at https://www.ntiec.com/.

PA CareerLink®
PA CareerLink® has comprehensive offices in Bradford and Tioga Counties. There are affiliate offices in Sullivan, Susquehanna, and Wyoming Counties. The PA CareerLink® system seeks to connect people to successful careers and businesses to skilled employees.
For more information, please check out the PA CareerLink® website at https://www.pacareerlink.pa.gov/jponline/.

WIOA Title I Providers
WIOA Title I Providers, Bradford County Action Inc. and Trehab Community Action Agency, seek to provide excellent workforce development services in the Northern Tier region serving both employers and job seekers. Youth programming provided through both agencies is comprehensive and includes work-based learning experiences.
For more information, please check out the LAUNCH! Your Success website at https://www.launchyoursuccessnt.org/.